The Zoll Ball – Halloween Masquerade

Join us Oct 31 for our Zoll Ball Halloween Masquerade! A night of mystery, magic and of course wine! Dressing up is not mandatory, but highly recommend, and prizes will be given out for best costume!

If you are interested in attending this event please follow this page for updates on ticket prices, and menu.

Please note the date is subject to change based on COVID-19 requirements.

Singles Night

After the long quarantine, we know you are ready to go out and meet someone new! Come and join us for singles night! Maybe you’ll find the love of your life or create a new friendship, either way, we still have wine and can be quite entertaining ourselves! We will be playing a card game that evening to help “break the ice” a little. *wink wink* No need to book ahead for a spot, but if you do plan on coming out please let us know so we have an idea of how many chocolates to make, cause you just never know.